Thursday, January 1, 2009

Girls Night In - 11/5/08

Let's hear it for Girls Night In!

Over the years, as a stay-at-home mom, I have come to appreciate the value of the few precious moments I spend away from my children. I've joined book clubs and social clubs, attended craft nights and wine tastings, all for the chance to spend a few hours with the grown-ups. It makes me a better mother.

Although Girls Night Out is a generic term that women of all ages use when they get together, I've decided that Girls Night In beats it by a mile.

Sure, it's fun to go out to a restaurant or bar and have a few drinks and a few laughs with the girls. But logistics are involved: First decide on a venue. Should we carpool? One friend always wants to leave by 9:30, so driving with her means an early night. Do we sit in the bar or in the restaurant? The bar can be loud and crowded. Elbowing my way to the counter, shouting to be heard above other patrons, loud music or enthusiastic sports fans can be tiresome. Then there's the issue of the bill. Should we start a tab? Whose card do we put it on? Do we split it evenly, even though I had one glass of wine and my compadre had six? There's the issue of a designated driver (usually its whoever's pregnant but in my circle those days are pretty much over).

Girl’s night in is so much easier. As a consultant for a direct sales company, I have seen firsthand how women enjoy gathering at someone's home to share a glass of wine and more than a few laughs. It really doesn't matter whether you're there to buy candles, kitchen tools, skin care products or jewelry. What matters is the companionship amongst friends.

I recently hosted movie night for my girlfriends. My husband and sons were attending a Cub Scout cookout, so I had the house to myself for several hours. What better way to relax than to invite my peeps over for a showing of "Baby Mama" with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler? It was designated BYOMC (bring your own movie candy). We popped bowls and bowls of popcorn with real melted butter. Typically, women dress for other women, but on this night my friends were encouraged to wear sweats or even pjs. Best of all, I didn't feel the need to make every corner of my home spotless. As long as the television area was cleared of toys and the bathroom was clean, that was good enough for us.

The evening was a success. Not even my son vomiting in the upstairs bathroom could dampen our spirits (too many s'mores at the Cub Scout cookout. And since I was entertaining girlfriends at the time...clean-up duty fell on my husband's shoulders. Score!) Best of all, between the popcorn, candy and $1 movie from Red Box, the entire night cost me about $10. That equals a martini and a half

With the economy in a slump and everyone watching their wallets, Girls Night in is the cheapest date around. And the memories? Priceless.

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