Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not Your Typical End Of The Year Column

Well, it’s the end of another year. Heck, it’s the end of a decade. I’m surrounded by newspapers, magazines and websites publishing their “Best and Worst” lists, letting readers know which books, movies and music they should seek and avoid. They’re gathering up their lists of the year’s highlights (and lowlights) including the inauguration of a new president, an empty hot air balloon, a pair of presidential party crashers, and the release of an epic, $300 million film that took 15 years to make.

Though I am tempted to do the same, I’ll try to refrain. I mean, does anyone really care to know what my favorite books (“The Help”, “Columbine”), movies (“The Hangover”, “Zombieland”), or television programs (“Modern Family”, “Glee”) are this year?

You’ve heard me rant about the Henne family, who fooled an entire nation into thinking that their boy Falcon (really…Falcon?) was free-floating in a homemade hot air balloon. Do I need to rehash it again? (Ok, does anyone else notice that their last name is pretty close to a word that is a slang term for buttocks? Coincidence? I think not!) And while we’re on the subject, can I just applaud the fact that both mother and father were sentenced jail time for their little stunt? If only someone can hand them an invoice for the personnel and equipment utilized for the “rescue effort”, I’d be a happy woman.

But I digress. Getting back to the fact that I’m not going to write one of those “best of” columns, doesn’t everyone love the new Target? That sure was a highlight in our year, especially when it came to Christmas shopping. And speaking of new construction, this year also saw the groundbreaking of Friendship Home, a respite facility for adults with developmental disabilities, located on the property at the United Church of Christ in Norwell. We also saw the groundbreaking for the new Hanover Senior Center, being built just a stone’s throw from my own home (so convenient for when I pick up my Meals on Wheels). And hey, how ‘bout that new high school? We were thrilled to see construction begin. We were devastated when an injunction stopped it. We were thrilled (again) when the injunction was lifted. Never a dull moment where this high school is concerned, is there?

And by the way, was anyone surprised by the fact that Cathy Harder-Bernier won the Spirit of Hanover award this year? (No? Neither was I). Aside from all the other volunteer work that Cathy does, she maintains one of our most valuable resources, Around Town on the Web. Nice job, Cathy.

While Swine Flu (sorry, H1N1) was certainly a lowlight of the year (those darned Mexican pigs spoiled spring break for everyone), I can’t help but be impressed by the way our town responded with their vaccination clinics. While other towns (most other towns, I might add) reserved their vaccine supply for their own residents, our town generously shared our supply with others. Who’s up for adopting the motto, “The Town That Cares ”?

If I were going to write one of those end-of-the-year columns, (which I’m not) I’d have to include all the famous people who died this year, like Patrick Swayze, Farrah Fawcett, and of course, Michael Jackson. Somewhere, the King of Pop is singing while Johnny Castle twirls one of Charlie’s Angels ‘round the dance floor. (Nobody puts Farrah in the corner).

I’d also have to mention how 2009 was a sad, sad year for Red Sox fans. Not only did our boys not make it to the World Series, we had to watch those devils in pinstripe waltz off with the trophy. And speaking of sports, was this the year to knock sports figures off their pedestals? As if it wasn’t bad enough that Aquaman Michael Phelps was photographed with water pipe in hand (performance enhancer?), we had to endure the whole Tiger Woods saga (Who knew that Elin Woods could slice, hook and chip as well as her husband?)

Yes, those year-end columns are so clichéd, I’m certainly going to avoid writing one at all costs. Because when it comes right down to it, it’s much better to look to the future than to dwell on the past, right?

Happy New Year!

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