Friday, February 12, 2010

Last Night I Dreamed of Haiti

The other night, I dreamed I went to Haiti. My companions and I drove there, in a car loaded with food and medical supplies. In the dream, I slept for most of the drive, finally waking when we reached our destination. We stayed in a very large home, which at the time housed about 20 other people. The people were happy to see us, and welcomed us with friendly smiles and open arms. “Thank you for coming, “they said, “Although we’re actually doing quite well, now.”

You can tell this was a dream for two reasons. For one, it’s impossible to drive to Haiti (there’s an ocean in the way). And secondly, the people of Haiti will not be “quite well” for a very, very long time.

I believe this dream was prompted by the many ways I’ve witnessed people coming to the aid of a country that was struggling even before the devastating earthquake of last month. Just this weekend, I watched an interview with Julie Pearce, a Minnesota news anchor who quit her job to go help the people in Haiti. Pearce is also a certified nurse, and moved by the images of the earthquakes devastation, decided to put her career, family and life on hold to volunteer her services.
How many of us could actually make that sacrifice? And if we could, would we? I’m reminded of the book of Luke, which my bible class is studying this year. The disciples who dropped everything to follow Jesus amaze me. They just left their boats, fishing nets and families behind in order to follow a calling. I couldn’t imagine myself having the courage to do such a thing. I couldn’t imagine anyone today having that same strength of purpose.

And yet, look at these people who are called to Haiti.

For those of us who aren’t able to physically tend to those in need, it’s heartening to see the many ways we can still make a difference. In every store I visit, there is an opportunity to make a donation for Haitian relief. My sixth grader was encouraged to bring in a donation, with his teacher urging the class to bring in money that they themselves had earned. My son fretted about the fact that his donation wasn’t as large as some of his other classmates, but I reminded him that what was important wasn’t the amount but the fact that he emptied his wallet and gave every last cent he had to someone in need.

Kerline Tofuri, a Hanover resident, has long been an advocate for her native Haiti, founding the initiative Jou Nouvo, which brings assistance to the people of Bon-Repos. As of this writing, Kerline is in Haiti delivering much needed medical supplies, and her foundation continues to receive donations to help victims of the earthquake (for more information visit and click on Jou Nouvo.)

At church this past Sunday, two fifth grade girls asked if they could organize a fundraising effort, supported by the church, to raise money for Haiti. Local schools are doing “Hats for Haiti” and “Hearts for Haiti”, asking kids to donate a dollar in exchange for wearing a hat to school or purchasing a heart.
One of the more delicious ways I was able to assist Haiti was at a luncheon held by my good friend Jessie Williamson last week. A part-time caterer, Jessie is always whipping up some amazing soup, salad or other delight, which I’m always happy to sample after our Meals on Wheels run on Thursdays. Moved by the disaster in Haiti, she decided to open her home to her friends and host a luncheon with donations to be made to the relief effort. The food was delicious, the conversation entertaining, and at last count the donations totaled over $600 with more coming in.

What I’ve come to realize is that everyone is capable of making a difference in their own small way. Maybe you can write a large check…or just a small one.

Perhaps you can rally friends or neighbors to come together to help. Or dedicate a few inches of column space to the cause. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re a news anchor, a fifth-grader, a caterer or a columnist. Everyone can find some way to help those in need.

What will you choose?

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